6-12-25 Method Leg Training

6-12-25 Method Leg Training

Here's what you need to know about the 6-12-25 Method giant sets:

  • First Exercise - Mechanical Tension (6): Stress, or tension on muscles during resistance exercise and the indisputable contributor to triggering a hypertrophic response. The force produced when lifting weights disrupts  the integrity of the working muscles. This process will elicit a bringing about a phenomenon called mechanotransduction. Using heavier loads in the 2-6RM range with a bilateral movement is an excellent way to jump start things for the sake of this blog. 
  • Second Exercise - Muscle Damage (12): Very few people that have worked out at some point, consistently or not..  can say they have never felt delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMs). The major element of muscle damage is the level at which muscle damage occurs - because too much damage could impede on the muscle-building process. If using the 6-12-25 method, muscle damage will be accomplished with a single-joint pattern for the sake of this blog. 
  • Third Exercise - Metabolic Stress (25): Metabolic stress results from the production of by-products of metabolism called metabolites. Examples include hydrogen ions, lactate, and inorganic phosphate. This effect is most commonly experienced while training with lighter loads at upwards to 15+ repetitions per set. In the case of the 6-12-25 method, we'll be using a single-joint pattern. (Often the movement most people underestimate so going lighter than you think is a good practice.)

Keep 1-2 reps in reserve (RIR) on all movements, some research indicates that 1-2 reps in the tank are all that's needed to induce muscular hypertrophy, and provide a safe environment for training especially if you're alone. 


#1 6-12-25 Hamstrings Emphasis
1a. Nordic Hamstring Curl x 6
1b. RDL x 12
1c. Banded Leg Curls x 25
Rest 4:00 + repeat for 3-4 total rounds

#2 6-12-25 Quadriceps Emphasis
1a. Front Squat or Hack Squat x 6
1b. DB Split Squat x 12 each
1c. Leg Extension x 25
Rest 4:00 + repeat for 3-4 total rounds

#3 6-12-25 Glute Emphasis
1a. Sumo Deadlift x 6
1b. Glute Hip Thrust x 12
1c. Seated Hip Abduction x 25
Rest 4:00 + repeat for 3-4 total rounds

#4 6-12-25 Calf Emphasis
1a. Standing Calf Raise with 3s raise + 1s at top + 3s lowering + 1 second at the bottom x 6
1b. Seated Calf Raises x 12 - slow & controlled reps
1c. Tibialis Raise x 25 
Rest 4:00 + repeat for 3-4 total rounds

#5 Posterior Chain Emphasis
1a. Stiff Leg Deadlift x 6 
1b. Reverse Lunge x 12
1c. Seated Hamstring Curl x 25
Rest 4:00 + repeat for 3-4 total rounds


Monday - Squat Emphasis - 6-12-25 Hamstrings

1a. Front Squat 3 x 5 @ 80% of 1 RM

2a. Stiff Leg Deadlifts x 6
2b. KB Swing x 12 
2c. Leg Curl Machine x 25

Rest 4:00 + repeat for 3x

3a. Reverse Crunches 3 x 15

Tuesday - Cardiac Output Method

30 minutes of slow cardio – typically between 130-150 BPM

Wednesday - Press Emphasis - 6-12-25 Back

1. Bench Press 5 x 5 @ 80% of 1RM

2a. Chin-up x 6
2b. Chest Supported Row x 12
2c. Facepulls x 25

Rest 4:00 + repeat for 3x

3. Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Thursday - Tabata

10 Rounds 

20 sec sprint / 10 sec jog (walk)

Friday - Hinge Emphasis - 6-12-25 Quadriceps

1. Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 80%

2a. Hack Squat x 6
2b. Split Squat x 12
2c. Leg Extension x 25

Rest 4:00 + repeat for 3x

3. Hanging Knee Raises 3 x 15

Saturday - Pull Emphasis - 6-12-25 Press

1. Barbell Row 4 x 8

2a. Standing DB Press  x 6
2b. DB Incline Press x 12
2c. Tricep Pushdowns x 25

3. Russian Twist 3 x 20 

Sunday - OFF


While the 6-12-25 Method is a great method to spark new gains, it's not a method I'd use for longer than 6 weeks as people can burn out quickly on this one (which is why my 6-12-25 program is only 6 weeks in length.) I'd highly recommend starting slow this one with regards to loading and total sets performed - less is more out of the gate.

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